Health – Latest News, Breaking News, LIVE News, Top News Headlines, Viral Video, Cricket LIVE, Sports, Entertainment, Business, Health, Lifestyle and Utility News | India.Com Sun, 13 Aug 2023 08:25:12 +0000 en hourly 1 Monsoon Health: 5 Factors That Contribute to The Risk of Waterborne Diseases During Rainy Season Sun, 13 Aug 2023 08:25:12 +0000 Monsoon Health: Seasonal pathogens and waterborne illnesses, which affect a large population worldwide, thrive during the monsoon season. The rate of bacterial multiplication is accelerated by humidity and temperature changes, which causes a dramatic rise in seasonal diseases such as conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, skin allergies, and cholera. Millions of people are affected by waterborne infections every year, making them a serious worldwide health problem. Effective preventive and control methods require an understanding of the variables that increase the risk of waterborne illnesses. The main variables that increase the risk of waterborne infections are highlighted by Dr Gaurav Vashist, Consultant Internal Medicine, Artemis lite in Gurugram for


  1. Contaminated Water Sources: The primary factor contributing to the risk of waterborne diseases is the presence of microbial and chemical contaminants in water sources. Contamination can occur due to inadequate sanitation systems, improper sewage disposal, agricultural runoff, industrial pollutants, or natural factors such as flooding. Pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, including Escherichia coli (E. coli), norovirus, and Giardia, can thrive in contaminated water sources and pose a significant risk to human health if ingested.
  2. Inadequate Water Treatment & Distribution Systems: Insufficient water treatment processes and inadequate maintenance of water distribution systems can lead to the transmission of waterborne diseases. Inadequate treatment methods or malfunctioning treatment facilities may not effectively remove or inactivate contaminants, allowing them to persist in the water supply. Additionally, ageing or poorly maintained water distribution systems can become breeding grounds for bacteria or provide opportunities for contamination through cross-connections, leaks, or breaks in the pipes.
  3. Lack of Access to Safe Drinking Water & Sanitation: Communities with limited access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities face a higher risk of waterborne diseases. Lack of proper infrastructure, especially in low-income regions or areas affected by natural disasters, increases reliance on unsafe water sources or contaminated water supply systems. Inadequate sanitation facilities contribute to the contamination of water sources, as improper disposal of human waste can contaminate nearby water bodies and groundwater.
  4. Poor Hygiene Practices: Personal hygiene practices play a significant role in preventing waterborne diseases. Lack of handwashing with clean water and soap, especially after using the toilet or before handling food, can facilitate the transmission of pathogens. Poor sanitation and hygiene practices within households and communities, including improper waste disposal, can contaminate water sources and perpetuate the cycle of waterborne diseases.
  5. Climate Change & Environmental Factors: Climate change impacts water quality and availability, potentially increasing the risk of waterborne diseases. Extreme weather events, such as floods or droughts, can disrupt water supply systems, contaminate water sources, and promote the growth of harmful bacteria. Rising temperatures can affect water quality parameters and create favourable conditions for microbial growth. Additionally, environmental degradation, deforestation, and agricultural practices can lead to water pollution, exacerbating the risk of waterborne diseases.

A multifaceted strategy comprising enhanced water treatment and distribution systems, accessibility to clean drinking water and sanitary facilities, promotion of good hygiene habits, and environmental conservation activities is needed to address the risk factors of waterborne illnesses.

How Does Stress Impact Breastfeeding? 5 Ways to Ease Anxiety in Lactating Moms Sun, 13 Aug 2023 07:46:16 +0000 Breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure a child’s health and survival. It is also essential for the mother’s health and helps her to heal during this new phase of life. New moms go through a lot of anxiety and fear while breastfeeding for the first time. This time is extremely stressful and overwhelming for mothers. Stress can have significant effects on lactation in new mothers. Lactation, the process of producing and releasing breast milk, is influenced by various physical and psychological factors, and stress can disrupt this delicate balance.

Causes of Breastfeeding Stress

  1. Hormonal Changes: Stress triggers the release of certain hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, often referred to as the “fight or flight” response. These hormones can interfere with the release of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for milk production.
  2. Milk Supply: For some mothers, stress can lead to a decrease in milk supply. The hormonal changes caused by stress can interfere with the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production. When prolactin levels decrease, milk production can be negatively affected.
  3. Breastfeeding Experience: Stress can make breastfeeding a less enjoyable and more challenging experience for some mothers. This may result in feelings of frustration, anxiety, or guilt, which can create a negative feedback loop and further impact lactation.
  4. Baby’s Response: A stressed mother may have tense muscles or exhibit anxious behaviors, which can make it harder for the baby to latch on properly and breastfeed effectively.

Ways to Combat Stress in Lactating Moms

  1. Adequate Rest: Lack of sleep can contribute to stress. Try to rest whenever the baby sleeps and consider enlisting the help of family and friends to take care of household chores or the baby, allowing you to get enough sleep.
  2. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, or other mothers who can provide emotional support and practical assistance when needed. Do not feel anxious to ask for help. If stress becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek support from a healthcare professional, lactation consultant, or counsellor who can offer guidance and assistance.
  3.  Nutrition: A well-balanced diet with plenty of fluids is crucial for both your health and milk production. Nutrient-rich foods can also support your body’s ability to cope with stress. Women are said to lose 3-5% of their bone mass while nursing their baby. During breastfeeding the oestrogen (hormone required for bone protection) in women also decreases, making the bones weaker. Therefore, the intake of calcium foods and additional supplement during breastfeeding is important and a necessity. Women, who have recently given birth and are breastfeeding, need to incorporate Omega 3 fatty acids in their diet, as it is a crucial source of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). DHA has a number of health benefits for both mother and child, it helps in increasing the breastmilk nutrient content, maternal mood, brain function, hormone balance, and overall postpartum recovery.
  4. Breastfeed Frequently: Frequent breastfeeding will help stimulate milk production and ensure that the baby’s demand is being met.
  5. Skin-to-Skin Contact: Spend time engaging in skin-to-skin contact with your baby, as it can release oxytocin, the hormone responsible for milk letdown and bonding.

According to Rohit Shelatkar, Fitness & Nutrition Expert, VP Vitabiotics Ltd ”Remember, every mother’s journey is different. If a new mother is experiencing difficulties with lactation due to stress, it is essential to seek support and guidance from healthcare professionals, lactation consultants, or support groups specializing in breastfeeding. Reducing stress through relaxation techniques, adequate rest, and emotional support can be beneficial for both the mother and the child.”

Chestnuts For Weight Loss: Are These Edible Nuts Effective in Shedding Those Extra Kilos? Sun, 13 Aug 2023 04:05:33 +0000 Chestnuts are delicious, mildly sweet edible nuts that are incorporated in a variety of dishes such as stuffings, salads, soups and more. They are low in fat and high in Vitamin C and are more similar to fruits than true nuts. Chestnuts are not only delicious to eat but also rich in diverse nutrients that have been linked to several health benefits. From weight loss to heart health, they have been proven to help in all sorts of departments. Here, we have listed down a few amazing health benefits of chestnuts for your diet.

Health Benefits of Chestnuts

  1. High in Fibre: Chestnuts are a good source of fibre. Fibre helps in keeping the stomach full and reducing hunger pangs. This further aids in gut health, reduce inflammation and improve blood sugar control.
  2. High in Antioxidants: One of the greatest benefits of these nuts is that they are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the oxidative stress in our bodies and keep us vitalised.
  3. Promotes Weight Loss: Consuming chestnuts may help reduce cholesterol and belly fat. This is because they are low in fat and contain fewer calories per gram than most other nuts.
  4. Good For Cardiovascular Health: Chestnuts are a beneficial source of nutrients that are great for our heart. These are known to contain gallic and ellagic acid, high antioxidants which help protect the heart against the risk of stroke and other heart diseases.
  5. Manages High Blood Sugar: Chestnuts have several intriguing properties that may aid blood sugar control. Despite being higher in carbs than most nuts, chestnuts are a good source of fiber that can help prevent blood sugar spikes.
Conjunctivitis: How to Take Care of Your Eyes During Eye Flu? 5 Tips to Follow Sun, 13 Aug 2023 02:35:58 +0000 Take care of your eye health now that conjunctivitis is spreading across the nation. It’s still fairly easy to get this extremely infectious sickness despite all the safety precautions. Conjunctivitis affects the outer layer of the eye and is sometimes referred to as pink eye or eye sickness. It manifests as redness, itching, discharge, and light sensitivity and is brought on by viruses, bacteria, or allergies. Conjunctivitis may make your eyes uncomfortable by making them red, itching, and sticky while also distorting your vision.

While your eyes are healing from the infection, it is essential that you take proper care of them. During the illness, one should take the utmost precautions with eye hygiene and adhere to their doctor’s recommendations.


  1. Avoid Contact Lenses: You will be instructed to cease using your contact lenses until your therapy is finished if you wear them. You should discard any soft contacts you have previously worn, according to your provider’s advice.
  2. DO NOT Rub Your Eyes: While suffering from eye sickness, your eyes may become extremely sensitive. Rubbing them might make them feel much more irritated and worsen their condition. Make sure to wash your hands with soap and water routinely.
  3. Steer Clear of Eye Makeup: Avoiding eye makeup and maintaining personal hygiene during the healing process is essential to preventing reinfection. This includes often changing sheets, towels, and wash cloths.
  4. Warm Compresses: They are used over closed eyes and can ease conjunctivitis-related pain by reducing crusting. Apply gently for a few minutes with a clean towel that has been moistened in warm water.
  5. Follow Doctor’s Prescription: Be sure to use any eye drops or ointments exactly as directed by your doctor in order to treat the infection. Even if you feel better, it’s important to finish the entire course of therapy to guarantee full recovery.

The majority of viral conjunctivitis cases are mild. Without medication and with no long-term effects, the infection will often go away in 7 to 14 days. Viral conjunctivitis, on the other hand, sometimes takes two to three weeks or longer to go away.

Dangers of Acidity Pills: 5 Things That Will Happen to Your Body if You’re Taking Too Many Acid Reflux Drugs Sat, 12 Aug 2023 09:14:41 +0000 Antacids are a type of medication that relieves heartburn and indigestion by reducing the amount of acid in your stomach. These medicines neutralize the acid in your stomach by stopping an enzyme that creates acid to break down food for digestion. These are used to treat symptoms of excess stomach acid, such as:

  • Acid reflux, which can include a bitter taste, persistent cough, pain when lying down and trouble swallowing.
  • Heartburn: a burning sensation in the chest or throat
  • Indigestion: gas or bloating

Antacids are usually taken in the form of liquid, chewable gummy or tablet that you dissolve in water to drink. These medications are usually available in shops without any prescriptions.

Side Effects of Antacids

Do you suffer from acidity often and pop these acid reflux drugs as candies? Then you need to be aware of the potential risks. A new study has found that those who take acid reflux medications regularly for four-and-a-half years or more may have a higher risk of dementia, compared to people who do not take these medications.

Other Symptoms You May Not Know

According to Healthline, many of the side effects of antacids come from not taking them as directed.

Many antacids – including Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids and Tums — contain calcium. If you take too much or take them for longer than directed, you could get an overdose of calcium. Too much calcium can cause:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • mental status changes
  • kidney stones

Excess calcium can also lead to alkalosis. In this condition, your body doesn’t make enough acid to function properly. If you feel like you need to use a lot of an antacid for relief, that might be a sign of another condition. If you’ve taken an antacid according to the directions and haven’t gotten relief, talk to your doctor.


Don’t take antacids frequently. If you experience symptoms of heartburn or indigestion daily, reach out to a healthcare professional to look into the cause of your symptoms. Always follow instructions on how much and how frequently you should take antacids according to the label of each antacid brand, since they may differ.

Health Tips: 7 Ways to Strengthen Bone and Joint Health in Your 40s Sat, 12 Aug 2023 06:54:36 +0000 How many times have we heard our elderly complain about pain in the joints and limbs? Quite often, right? As we age, so do our bones, our organs and there is a visible difference in mobility and bodily functions as we age. Therefore, it is imperative to keep oiling our bones and joints to keep them working healthily for as long as possible.

It is a natural process in that our bones and joints sustain damage with age and reduce in mobility causing pain and discomfort.

Here are a few tips and lifestyle tweaks that can help t improve bone and joint health for longevity.


  1. Stay Active: One of the foremost things to keep in mind is to remain active. Just like machines, when left uncared and unused, they tend to rust and stop working. Similarly, it is important to keep the movement of joints. Avoid sitting at one place in one position for a longer duration. It is better to at least keep moving a little bit every half hour to 1 hour.
  2. Weight Management: Weight plays an essential role in maintaining joint health. Our joints bear the weight of our bodies. Therefore, extra weight or obesity often leads to pain in the knee, back and hips. It is best to seek a professional to chart out a course of action for healthy weight management.
  3. What You Eat is What You Reap: There are no surprises about consuming a healthy diet for optimal functioning of the body. Include foods with vitamin D, vitamin C, and more proteins.
  4. Regular Physical Activity: Exercising is one of the cardinal rules for a healthy lifestyle. It helps to keep the limbs, muscles and joints mobile and flexible.
  5. Hydration is a Golden Rule: Water is important for joint cartilage. When we stay hydrated enough, our body produces synovial fluid for joints that guards them from deterioration.
  6. Warm-Up and Cool-Down Process: Before indulging in physical activities it is essential to warm up. This helps to prepare the muscles for a workout coming up its way. This also lowers the risk of injury. Similarly, after exercising, it is important to let the body cool down and recover.
  7. Ensure Proper Techniques: Performing exercises, yoga and fitness is important but what is also more important is the technique. Doing an exercise correctly is the most essential. Otherwise, it may lead injuries and also adds strain to the joints and bones.

Starting now is the time. It is always better to start by making lifestyle changes if you don’t already do it, and make way for a healthier life. Joint and bone health is important to keep our bodies mobile as we age.

New Covid Strain ‘Eris’ Now Declared as ‘Variant of Interest’ – What Does That Mean? Sat, 12 Aug 2023 05:02:05 +0000 Covid cases are once again witnessing an uptick in numbers in several countries. The new spike in cases is attributed to the latest Covid variant EG.5 or Eris as it is named. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified this new Covid-19 strain as a ‘Variant of Interest.’ Formerly, it is was simply put under a variant under monitoring, but the global health organisation changed its group on Thursday. According to WHO, there is a steady increase Eris cases. In a statement, the global body also stated that, “over 7,000 sequences have been shared from 51 countries as of August 7.”


Since 2020, there have been multiple variants, sub-variants of  SARS-CoV-2 that have evolved and mutated over the years. During this time, many of the variants have been dubbed under different categories based on the severity of the lineage.

Variants are usually classified into the following categories:

  1. Variant of Interest
  2. Variant of Concern
  3. A variant of High Consequence

A mutation is ascribed as a variant of interest when these strains have certain genetic markers that are associated  with changes that may increase transmissibility, and reduce neutralisation by antibodies, according to the US National Institute of Health.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), variants designated as VOI include variants that have:

  • A predicted increase in transmissibility or disease severity.
  •  Reduced neutralisation by antibodies generated against previous infection or vaccination.
  • Reduced efficacy of treatments, or tests.
  • Changes to receptor binding domain (RBD).
  • Specific genetic markers that are predicted to affect transmission, diagnostics, therapeutics, or immune escape.


  1. Eris or EG.5 is a sub-lineage of Omicron.
  2. It has a mutation in the spike protein that is an essential element in Covid virus. With this, it enters and infects the human cell.
  3. For now, the public health risk of Eris is low but precaution should be not taken lightly.
  4. Based on its characteristics, EG.5 may spread globally & cause a surge in cases.
  5. This new variant is escaping immunity and hence is spreading like wildfire.
  6. It has an increased growth rate.

Symptoms of ERIS

  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Constant fatigue
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat

Eris Prevention tips

  1. Get vaccinated and booster dose against Covid-19
  2. Wear a mask in public places
  3. Practise social distancing
  4. Maintain proper hygiene and wash hands frequently
  5. Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  6. Ensure proper ventilation in rooms

While Eris is still under research, experts have cautioned to take necessary precautions right now instead of freaking out. People above 65, children and people with existing comorbidities are more vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus.

Monsoon Health: How High Humidity Can Be Risky For Overall Health? 5 Ways to Manage it Sat, 12 Aug 2023 03:42:20 +0000
Eye flu, dengue, malaria, and skin infections are some common health problems that steadily rise during the rainy season. Monsoon entails the smell of fresh earth, and lowers levels of mercury but also is a season that brings along a host of infections and health problems. The inclement weather condition and dampness in the environment sets an ideal surrounding for bacteria and fungi to grow and proliferate. Apart from this, humidity is a major discomfort that makes people feel uneasy, nauseated and sweat profusely. Symptoms, effects, and prevention of conjunctivitis, dengue, maria, skin infections etc are common knowledge during the rainy season but how many of us comprehend how high humidity affects health? Well, it does and can be very risky as well.
What is humidity exactly? Humidity is the amount of water vapour present in the air specially after rainfall. The higher the rainfall, there are chances of increased humidity in the environment.


Speaking exclusively with, Dr. AkshayAnantDhamne, Medicine, Physician Consultant, DPU Private Super Specialty Hospital, Pimpri, Pune said that the monsoon season’s warm and humid conditions create a dampy environment that promotes the spread of viral and fungal infections, making it a situation when skin-related issues become more prevalent.  Some of the common skin infections during this season include ekin eczema, scabies, acne, dermatitis, heat rash, warts, skin rash, itchy skin, and skin allergy.
Among these, fungal infections, commonly known as ringworm, stand out as the most frequently encountered infection during the monsoon period. The increase in humidity levels during the monsoons provides an ideal breeding ground for fungi to thrive, leading to a higher incidence of Ringworm cases during this time.


During times of increased humidity, a lot of people have trouble staying focused and feel tired. Experts agree that there are several reasons why such weather conditions might cause a variety of health problems. High humidity might make you feel more exhausted and unmotivated. Additionally, it may result in hyperthermia, a condition in which your body overheats as a result of ineffective heat loss.
Because of this, excessive humidity poses a greater risk than just high temperatures. High humidity might also cause mood disorders. It may have an influence on the brain chemicals that regulate mood, despite the paucity of study in this area. Humidity is also connected to symptoms of dehydration, disorientation, exhaustion, and lethargic behavior.  Some people, especially those who have cardiac issues, may even develop arrhythmia or abnormal heartbeats.


  1. Ensure Proper Hydration: Maintain sufficient fluid intake to stay adequately hydrated.
  2. Steer Clear of Tight Attire: Refrain from wearing snug clothing to allow your body to breathe.
  3. Moderate Physical Activity: Limit intense physical exertion to prevent overexertion in such conditions.
  4. Consume Nutritious Meals: Opt for a healthy diet to support your well-being during damp weather.
  5.  Uphold Personal Cleanliness: Practice good hygiene to safeguard your health in these conditions.
Water Apple Benefits: Weight Loss to Heart Health, 6 Reasons Why You Should Include This Tropical Delight in Your Diet Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:53:08 +0000 Apple, bananas or grapes, the health benefits are pretty common knowledge. These are everyday fruits that are found in almost everyone’s fruit bowl. But what about tropical and exotic fruits like dragon fruits? Not a lot of people are aware of its benefits. To add more colours and a new taste to the fruit bowl, water apple is a really healthy fruit to include. Not your regular apple, water apple or bell fruit as it is called, is a tropical fruit found mostly in South East Asia. In India, it is majorly found in the southern states of Kerala, Andhra Pradesh etc.

Move over ordinary fruits, and make way for the extraordinary water apple “sugar apple” or “bell fruit. This tropical delight not only tantalizes our taste buds, but its unique health benefits are worth raving about. This red-coloured fruit has several health benefits. Award-winning nutritionist, Lovneet Batra explains why it may include this tropical delight.


  1. Good For Hydration: An excellent choice for quenching thirst, even effective at releasing sunstroke and removing harmful effects of dehydration proving its usefulness in dispelling summer heat
  2. Loaded With Antioxidants: Packed with antioxidants like quercetin, gallic acid, and tannins, water apples help neutralize harmful free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.
  3. Weight Loss: It possesses the ability to inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis. The water-soluble polysaccharides present in the fruit caused a significant reduction in the tumour volume and improved the body weight. It is rich in fibre that will help to keep the stomach full longer.
  4. Regulate Blood Sugar Level: Water apples have powerful antihyperglycemic properties, which means they lower blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes. Jambosine is a bioactive crystalline alkaloid present in water apples that suspends the conversion of starch into sugar thereby regulating the sugar level, especially in diabetic patients.
  5. May Improve Heart Health: The antioxidant properties will help to fight against oxidative stress. It also has good potassium content that will help with heart health and also improve blood pressure levels.
  6. Anti-Inflammatory: It has potent anti-inflammatory effects via the inhibition of some inflammatory enzymes such as LOX and COX2 and inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6 and through suppression of inflammatory pathways such as the TLR-4 signaling pathway.

Fruits are a good way to snack and keep the hunger pangs for junk in place. This exotic red fruit can be a good tropical delight that is both healthy and tasty.

24 Students Hospitalized After Gas Leak At MCD School in Naraina Fri, 11 Aug 2023 10:53:33 +0000 New Delhi: 24 students of a municipal school in Delhi fell ill due to a suspected gas leak. The students were taken to two hospitals in the city, with 19 students being admitted to the RML Hospital and the rest being sent to the Acharya Shree Bhikshu Hospital. The cause of the gas leak is still being investigated, but officials say that it may have been caused by a faulty gas cylinder. The students are all said to be in stable condition.

“The students fell sick apparently due to some gas leak incident near the school. All students are fine, they are being attended to by doctors at the two hospitals,” he said. Officials from the civic health department rushed to the two hospitals and also to the school, and the education department of the MCD is also on the job, the official added, news agency PTI said.

“We will be probing at our level too to find out what caused this incident,” the senior official said.

MCD School Gas Leak: What Do The Doctors

SayIn a statement issued later, the MCD said, “The gas leak had taken place at the nearby railway tracks”.

A team of doctors from the MCD’s health department and officials of the education department are also present at the hospital to monitor the situation, it said. According to police, they received a call regarding some students falling sick and vomiting at the Nigam Pratibha Vidyalaya, Inderpuri.

“As per the information available so far, 23 children have been sent to the hospital. Regular updates are being taken from hospitals and as per the latest update, all of them are feeling fine,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (West) Vichitra Veer said.

What Does The Initial Assessment Say

As per the initial assessment, a foul smell filled some classrooms, which made the children feel sick. Apparently, the children had just eaten. The smell has subsided, but as a precaution, all classrooms have been vacated, the DCP said.

“Further examination of the premises is being done to ascertain the source of the smell. There is a railway track nearby. However, it is yet to be ascertained where the smell was emanating from,” Veer said.

Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva met with the students at RML hospital. He said neither the students nor the teachers were able to say what caused the incident. Sachdeva said MCD should probe the matter. There were 16 students at the hospital and they were fine, he said.

“The students said they were sitting in their classroom when they got a very strong smell which caused vomiting and unconsciousness,” the BJP leader said.

Doctors Can Now Refuse To Give Treatment In Case Of Abusive, Violent Patients or Relatives: Medical Body Fri, 11 Aug 2023 05:37:01 +0000 New Delhi: Taking a major step towards curbing the ongoing instances of violence against doctors, the National Medical Commission has allowed medical practitioners to refuse treatment in case of abusive and violent patients or relatives but they must ensure that the patient is not abandoned. The National Medical Commission (NMC) in the Professional Conduct Regulations also bar doctors from endorsing any drug brand, medicine or equipment, or advertise them.

These new regulations will replace the Medical Council of India’s (MCI) Code of Medical Ethics 2002. This is for the first time that doctors will have the right to refusal of patient treatment to unruly and violent patients. The move is aimed at discouraging violence against doctors.

“RMP is free to choose whom he will serve, except in case of a life-threatening emergency. Having accepted a case, the RMP should neither neglect the patient nor withdraw from the case without giving adequate notice to the patient and his family. If a change of RMP is needed (for example, the patient needs a procedure done by another RMP), consent should be obtained from the patient himself or the guardian. The RMP who attends to the patient will be fully accountable for his actions and entitled to the appropriate fees,” the notification stated.

It’s also mentioned in the notification under duties of RMPs towards the public and allied healthcare professionals that doctors can’t receive any gifts, travel facilities etc from pharmaceutical companies.

“RMPs and their families must not receive any gifts, travel facilities, hospitality, cash or monetary grants, consultancy fee or honorariums, or access to entertainment or recreation from pharmaceutical companies or their representatives, commercial healthcare establishments, medical device companies, or corporate hospitals under any pretext,” it said.

However, this does not include salaries and benefits that RMPs may receive as employees of these organisations, the regulations stated.

Further, the regulations said, RMPs should not be involved in any third-party educational activity like CPD, seminar, workshop, symposia, conference, etc., which involves direct or indirect sponsorships from pharmaceutical companies or the allied health sector.

Under Right to remuneration of RMP it’s mentioned in the notification that the consultation fees should be made known to the patient before examination or treatment of the patient.

“A reasonable estimation of the cost of surgery or treatment should be provided to the patient to enable an informed decision. RMP can refuse to treat or to continue to treat a patient if the fees, as indicated, are not paid,” it said.

Attack on doctors

There has been a growing demand in the medical fraternity demanding a separate law to prohibit violence against doctors and healthcare professionals. Medical practitioners have long argued that the system has failed to provide frontline workers with adequate mental and physical support.

In June, the Delhi Medical Association (DMA) has moved the Supreme Court against increasing incidents of assault, verbal abuse, threat, physical attacks and public lynching against doctors and other healthcare workers by relatives and friends of patients.

In May, a doctor undergoing internship at Hindu Rao Hospital was attacked by a woman admitted to the facility, prompting the resident doctors’ association (RDA) to demand an FIR from the administration.

On May 10, a young doctor, Vandana Das, was stabbed to death at Kerala’s Kottarakkara Taluk Hospital where she worked as part of her internship training. The postmortem report revealed that she was stabbed in her face, neck, head, and back, resulting in fatal wounds to her internal organs, including the lungs.

According to 2019 data, the IMA suggests that up to 75 per cent of doctors have faced some kind of violence at work, which is similar to the rates from other countries in the continent. Among this, nearly 50 per cent of violence was reported in intensive care units (ICUs), and, in 70 per cent of the cases, the patient’s relatives were actively involved.

(With inputs from agencies)

Eris: Why WHO Has Classified New Covid Strain as ‘Variant of Interest? Should We Be Concerned? Fri, 11 Aug 2023 04:27:28 +0000 New Covid variant Eris or EG.5.1 is driving a significant surge in the number of cases in the United Kingdom and has an impact in USA as well. Reportedly, Eris was detected in Maharashtra in May but since then has not shown a grave impact in the spike in cases. Recently, the World Health Organisation (WHO) released a statement classifying Eris as a ‘Variant of Interest’. Earlier, it was simply a variant on the radar. Formerly a variant under monitoring, WHO has now designated this a variant of interest.

There has been a steady increase in this variant’s prevalence. As of 7 August 2023, over 7000 sequences have been shared from 51 countries.


In a new statement released by WHO, it stated that Based on the available evidence, the public health risk posed by EG.5 is evaluated as low at the global level, similar to the risk of other current Covid-19 variants of interest. Based on its characteristics, EG.5 may spread globally & cause a surge in cases.

Infectious Disease Epidemiologist Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove said yesterday that, “The virus is evolving and circulating in every country. This will continue and this is what we have to prepare for.”

Divulging more on the current data on EG.5 sub-lineage, Dr. Kerkhove stated that:

  • It is one of the sublineages of Omicron. It is a descendant lineage of XBB.1.9.2
  • It has an increased growth rate.
  • So far, there is no detection in a change in the severity of EG.5 compared to other sublineages of Omicron.
  • This new variant is escaping immunity and hence is spreading like wildfire.
  • Additionally, this variant carries an additional amino acid spike mutation.


In context to the global scenario, there is a steady uptick in EG.5 numbers. While experts have not yet raised the alarm yet but they surely advised to adhere to protocols.

Symptoms of ERIS

  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Constant fatigue
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat


  1. Get vaccinated and booster dose against Covid-19
  2. Wear a mask in public places
  3. Practise social distancing
  4. Maintain proper hygiene and wash hands frequently
  5. Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  6. Ensure proper ventilation in rooms

While Eris is still under research, experts have cautioned to take necessary precautions right now instead of freaking out. People above 65, children and people with existing comorbidities are more vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus.

Monsoon Flu: How to Protect Your Children From The Seasonal Infection? 3 Tips to Follow Thu, 10 Aug 2023 06:18:17 +0000 It’s likely that you are reading this while stealing looks out of a window, where the breeze is soothing and cool, and where there are occasional drizzles and downpours, while your children are playing inside. Although the monsoon season may be soothing and restful, it also brings with it the risk of seasonal and viral diseases, which are more common among youngsters. Dr Ganesh Kadhe, Director of Medical and Scientific Affairs for Abbott’s Nutrition division shares three recommendations with IANS to boost your child’s health and immunity this upcoming flu season.

1. Prioritise Immunity Over Everything

A robust immune system is the first step towards preventing the flu. A diet rich in foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein offers immune-rich ingredients which provide the building blocks the body needs for vigorous defences. Setting a regular bedtime is especially important because lack of sleep can weaken the immune system, making children more susceptible to illnesses like the cold and flu.

  • Vitamin A-rich foods can aid proper immune system function. Some excellent sources of vitamin A include everyday diet. Some food sources rich in vitamin A include orange and red vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and red peppers, as well as fruits like cantaloupe, apricots, and mangoes. Certain types of fish and dairy products also contain vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C is well-known as an immune system booster. Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits, along with strawberries, kiwi, tomatoes, and various vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kale, are abundant sources of this vital nutrient
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that supports a strong immune system. Nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, and peanuts, along with their butter and oils, as well as sunflower seeds, wheat germ, and fortified foods like breakfast cereals and fruit juices, are excellent sources of vitamin E.

2. Encourage Movement

Physical activity offers numerous benefits for children, including improved immune health, better sleep, and enhanced learning. Engage your child in online exercise classes or arrange playdates with their peers to promote movement and active play.

3. Destress And Try New Activities

Stress can weaken the immune system. Help your child unwind by curling up with a story, listening to a podcast or trying activities together like cooking. Engaging in culinary activities with your children not only strengthens your bond but also enhances their nutritional intake.

  • Encourage your little ones to create snacks to support their immune system, such as combining vitamin C-rich strawberries with yoghurt or spreading vitamin E-packed peanut butter on crackers.
  • For older children, you can involve them in preparing high-protein scrambled eggs or French toast for a family breakfast or ask for their assistance in making a salad or their favourite vegetable side dish during dinner time.

With the arrival of the monsoon season, you can take proactive steps to support your child’s immune health. By prioritizing a nutrient-rich diet, encouraging regular exercise, and reducing stress through enjoyable activities, you can help strengthen their immunity and protect them during this time of increased vulnerability.

Embrace these tips and create a healthy environment that bolsters their overall well-being and resilience against flu and other common illnesses.

(With IANS inputs)

Chronic Inflammation: 6 Dietary Tips to Lower Risk of Body Inflammation Thu, 10 Aug 2023 05:48:52 +0000 Our body has its own way of with dealing with stress, bacteria, virus etc. With so many organs in place, our bodies are dense structures wired together. When any one part of our body malfunctions, it may have affect on other parts as well.  Our body also has an inbuilt system to fight bacteria, pathogens and foreign viruses from entering the body. The process of combat is referred to as inflammation where the body releases certain chemicals that fight against infections, injuries, toxins etc in a bid to heal itself. Chronic inflammation, according to Healthline is when this response lingers, leaving your body in a constant state of alert. Over time, chronic inflammation may have a negative impact on your tissues and organs

Lifestyle plays a pivotal role in how healthily our body functions. Award-winning nutritionist Lovneet Batra shared some dietary tips that may benefit in lowering the risk of inflammation.


  1. Reduce Unhealthy Fat Intake: Eliminate the oils high in omega-6 as well as margarine, deep-friend foods and any foods that contain trans-fat.
  2. Reduce Your Intake of Foods High in Saturated Fat: Increase your intake of monosaturated oils. Include more extra-virgin olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, fish oil, walnut and walnut oil, flax and flaxseed oil, and hemp seed and oil.
  3. Cut The Unhealthy Carbs: Eliminate refined flours, sugars and other foods that are high on the glycemic index.
  4. Include Fruits and Vegetables: The produce with high antioxidant content is best. Blueberries, strawberries and dark leafy greens are excellent choices for an anti-inflammatory diet.
  5. Eat More Anti-Inflammatory Herbs and Spices: Produce with high antioxidant content is essential. Berries are one of the most healthy foods to include in the diet. They are loaded with anti-oxidant and protect the body against oxidative stress.
  6. Eliminate Foods That Cause Sensitivities: Avoid foods that you are intolerant of or that result in sensitivities and allergies.


Gut Health in Monsoon: 8 Ways to Manage Indigestion Caused by Humidity Thu, 10 Aug 2023 03:46:05 +0000 The monsoon season brings relief from scorching temperatures and revitalizes the earth, but it also shows a shift in humidity levels that can have significant effects on digestive health. The rise in humidity during this season causes hot and sticky weather that is very discomforting. It is neither completely cool nor simply hot, it is a mix of both due to the high content of water vapour in the air that leads to it. While monsoon entails a host of infections that thrive in this humid environment, it can lead to a range of digestive issues, causing discomfort and disruptions to daily life.

Understanding the symptoms, causes, and preventive measures associated with the impact of monsoon humidity on digestive health is crucial for maintaining overall well-being.


  • Bloating: Increased humidity levels can lead to a sluggish digestive system, resulting in bloating and discomfort.
  • Indigestion: High humidity may slow down the process of digestion, causing indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux.
  • Diarrhoea: Humidity creates an environment conducive to bacterial growth, which can lead to gastrointestinal infections and diarrhoea.
  • Constipation: Dehydration caused by excessive sweating in humid conditions can contribute to constipation.
  • Reduced Appetite: The humidity can suppress appetite due to the sluggishness of the digestive system.
  • Increased Sensitivity: Some individuals might experience heightened sensitivity to certain foods during this period.


  1. Stay Hydrated: Adequate water intake is essential to counteract dehydration caused by excessive sweating. Opt for fluids like herbal teas, coconut water, and lemon water.
  2. Balanced Diet: Consume a well-balanced diet rich in fibre, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to aid digestion.
  3. Probiotics: Incorporate probiotic-rich foods like yoghurt and fermented foods to maintain a healthy gut flora balance.
  4. Portion Control: Opt for smaller, more frequent meals to reduce the burden on the digestive system.
  5. Limit Fried and Spicy Foods: These can exacerbate digestive issues. Choose lighter cooking methods and milder spices.
  6. Maintain Hygiene: Wash hands thoroughly and ensure food is prepared in a clean environment to prevent infections.
  7. Physical Activity: Engage in regular physical activity to stimulate digestion and maintain a healthy metabolism.
  8. Reduce Stress: Practice relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing to minimize stress, which can negatively impact digestion.

The impact of monsoon humidity on digestive health is a reality that cannot be ignored. The rise in humidity levels during this season can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms, from bloating to diarrhoea, disrupting daily life. However, by understanding the symptoms, causes, and preventive measures, individuals can take charge of their digestive health and make informed lifestyle choices.Incorporating these changes into one’s routine not only helps in managing the immediate challenges but also contributes to long-term digestive well-being. As the monsoon brings rain and renewal, let it also serve as a reminder to renew our commitment to maintaining digestive health even in the face of changing weather conditions.


Monsoon Illness: What Are The Different Sources of Waterborne Diseases? Thu, 10 Aug 2023 02:56:19 +0000 Waterborne diseases are a significant global health concern, particularly in areas with limited access to safe drinking water and inadequate sanitation systems. These diseases are caused by microorganisms or chemical contaminants present in contaminated water sources. While consuming contaminated water is a common mode of transmission, there are several other sources through which waterborne diseases can spread. got in touch with Dr. (Col) Rakesh Kumar, Sr. Consultant Internal Medicine at Artemis Lite, NFC New Delhi to discuss the various sources of transmission for waterborne diseases.


  1. Food Contamination: Waterborne diseases can be transmitted through the consumption of contaminated food. Fruits, vegetables, and other agricultural products irrigated with contaminated water can harbour pathogens or contaminants. Additionally, food prepared or washed with contaminated water can also become a source of infection. Proper food handling and preparation practices, along with using safe water for irrigation, are crucial in preventing waterborne diseases from spreading through the food chain.
  2. Poor Sanitation: Inadequate sanitation facilities contribute significantly to the transmission of waterborne diseases. Improper disposal of human waste contaminates water sources, leading to the spread of pathogens. Lack of proper toilet facilities, open defecation, and improper sewage disposal systems all contribute to the contamination of water supplies. Enhancing sanitation infrastructure and promoting hygienic practices are vital in reducing the transmission of waterborne diseases.
  3. Water Recreational Activities: Water-based recreational activities such as swimming, boating, or fishing in contaminated water bodies can increase the risk of waterborne diseases. Pathogens present in the water can enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, or contact with mucous membranes. It is crucial to ensure that recreational water sources, such as lakes, rivers, or swimming pools, are regularly monitored and treated to maintain safe conditions for users.
  4. Person-to-Person Contact: Waterborne diseases can also be transmitted through person-to-person contact. When infected individuals do not practice proper hygiene, they can contaminate their surroundings, including water sources. This can occur through activities like sharing drinking utensils, close personal contact, or poor hand hygiene. Educating individuals about the importance of personal hygiene and promoting hygienic practices can help mitigate the transmission of waterborne diseases through person-to-person contact.
  5. Animal Contamination: Animals, particularly livestock and wildlife, can serve as reservoirs for waterborne disease-causing microorganisms. Their faecal matter can contaminate water sources, posing a risk to humans who consume or come into contact with the contaminated water. Agricultural practices that separate livestock waste from water sources, and the appropriate treatment of animal waste, are essential in preventing animal-related transmission of waterborne diseases.

Addressing these sources requires a multifaceted approach, including improving water quality, enhancing sanitation infrastructure, promoting hygienic practices, and implementing appropriate waste management systems. By tackling these sources, we can make significant strides in preventing and reducing the burden of waterborne diseases globally.

Is Covid Back in India? Why This is Not The Time to Freak Out But Take Precautions Wed, 09 Aug 2023 09:29:04 +0000 The new Covid variant Eris or EG.5.1 has been driving the rise in cases in the United Kingdom. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said EG.5.1, which has been nicknamed Eris, makes up one in seven new COVID cases. It was classified as a variant on July 31 after its prevalence was recorded in the country due to increasing cases internationally, particularly in Asia. “EG.5.1 was first raised as a signal in monitoring on July 3, 2023, as part of horizon scanning due to increasing reports internationally, particularly in Asia,” the UKHSA said.

The new variant was first detected in India in May but did not show any significant impact on a number of cases. Since then there are looming concerns about whether India is looking at another Covid wave. however, experts so far have not expressed concerns about the fatality of the variant. But, doctors strongly recommend taking precautions right now instead of freaking out. It is always better to be safe than sorry.


Eris has sparked concerns and notions around Covid 19. As per experts, the reason of the spread of Eris is due to the waning immunity and inclement weather conditions as well and this is one of the major reasons that increases the transmission rate. The symptoms are mostly similar to other variants.


  1. Get vaccinated and booster dose against Covid-19
  2. Wear a mask in public places
  3. Practise social distancing
  4. Maintain proper hygiene and wash hands frequently
  5. Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  6. Ensure proper ventilation in rooms


  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Constant fatigue
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
What is Antibiotic Resistance and How Does Rising Air Pollution Affects Recovery Rate? Wed, 09 Aug 2023 07:35:51 +0000 Living in the national capital of Delhi has often been juxtaposed with living in gas chambers due to alarming levels of pollution. Almost every year, during winter or the time around Diwali, Delhi makes the headlines due to its record-breaking levels of pollution. Air pollution in general, is also on the rise globally and there is no one reason to justify it all at all. Antibiotic resistance is another global crisis that has been linked to rising air pollution. In a recent study published in the Lancet Planetary Health, antibiotic resistance increases with particulate matter (PM2.5) – made up of particles 30 times smaller than the width of a human hair.

According to the Lancet Study, antibiotic resistance is an increasingly global issue, causing millions of deaths worldwide every year. Particulate matter (PM)2·5 has diverse elements of antibiotic resistance that increase its spread after inhalation.

“Antibiotic resistance and air pollution are each in their own right among the greatest threats to global health. Until now, we didn’t have a clear picture of the possible links between the two, but this work suggests the benefits of controlling air pollution could be two-fold: not only will it reduce the harmful effects of poor air quality, it could also play a major role in combatting the rise and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria,” said lead author Hong Chen, Zhejiang University, China.


The Lancet study says that the world is in an era of antibiotic resistance in which antibiotic-treatment failure and mortality caused by bacterial infections are increasing. Antibiotic resistance is a severe global issue, causing approximately 1·27 million premature deaths in 2019 worldwide, substantially exceeding the estimated 0·70 million deaths in 2016.

As the name suggests resistance to antibiotics has made it difficult for several people to receiver ailments like pneumonia, and tuberculosis.

The association between PM2.5 air pollution and an increase in antibiotic resistance has strengthened over time, with enhancement in PM2.5 levels leading to larger increases in antibiotic resistance in more recent years, the analysis found using data for 116 countries from 2000 to 2018.


According to the findings of the Lancet study:

  • Humans are exposed to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic-resistance genes via food, the environment (eg, water, soil, and air), or direct contact with infectious sources, such as animals.
  • The major air pollutant, in the form of particulate matter, has been shown to contain diverse antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic-resistance genes, which are transferred between environments and directly inhaled by humans, causing respiratory-tract injury and infection.
  • Sources of PM2.5 include industrial processes, road transport, and domestic coal and wood burning.PM2.5 air pollution was one of the leading factors driving antibiotic resistance.
  • Misuse and overuse of antibiotics still remain the main drivers of antibiotic resistance.
  • Air pollution also contributes to the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and resistance genes, the study said.

Further, every 1 per cent rise in air pollution was linked with an increase in antibiotic resistance of between 0.5 and 1.9 per cent, depending on the pathogen, or the disease-causing microbe, the study covering nine bacterial pathogens and 43 types of antibiotics found.


The highest levels of antibiotic resistance were found to be in North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, while levels in Europe and North America were found to be low. Owing to their huge populations, India and China are expected to face the greatest impact of PM2.5 changes on the premature death toll from antibiotic resistance. India is expected to experience a 2.5 per cent increase in antibiotic resistance resulting from a 10 per cent increase in yearly PM2.5 levels.

By 2050, levels of antibiotic resistance worldwide could increase by 17 per cent under no changes to current air pollution policies, the authors’ modelling suggested.

In other scenarios, such as increased health spending, controlling air pollution, improving drinking water and reducing antibiotic usage, the level of antibiotic resistance could be greatly reduced, the study said. Controlling air pollution could aid in reducing antibiotic resistance, which is when disease-causing microbes are able to resist the drugs designed to kill them, according to new research published in The Lancet Planetary Health journal.

Stomach Flu in Children: 8 Symptoms and Prevention Tips to Be Mindful of During Monsoon Wed, 09 Aug 2023 04:04:54 +0000
Monsoon entails a host of ailments along with the romanticised notion of rainfall. Due to the incessant rainfall, waterlogging and flood-like situation in several parts across the country, the cases of infections have witnessed a significant surge in numbers. Conjunctivitis, bacterial infection, fungal infection etc are on the rise. Stomach flu or viral gastroenteritis is a common health problem found in children. Children are most vulnerable to such diseases due to reduced immunity levels.  Viral gastroenteritis, most frequently caused by norovirus or rotavirus, is an irritation and inflammation of the intestines. The symptoms often appear one to two days after the virus enters the body.


Gastroenteritis can be brought on by numerous viruses. Viruses can be found in an infected person’s diarrhoea and vomit. It has a long lifespan outside of the body. If an infected person doesn’t wash their hands, they run the risk of spreading the infection to anything they touch. Food and drinks consumed by food workers who are infected can pass the sickness to others. It is also possible for the disease to spread if sewage enters the water source. Although viral gastroenteritis is commonly referred to as “stomach flu,” it is not caused by the seasonal influenza (flu) virus.

Symptom of Stomach Flu

  1. Nausea
  2. Vomiting
  3. Watery diarrhoea
  4. Headache
  5. Fever
  6. Chills
  7. Abdominal pain
  8. Decreased urine output
  9. Dark-colored urine
  10. Dry skin
  11. Thirst
  12. Dizziness

Signs of dehydration in young children:

  • Dry diapers (from a lack of urination)
  • Lack of tears
  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Sunken fontanel (the soft spot on the top of an infant’s head)

Speaking with, Dr. Kishan Nunsavata, Consultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist, Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad, said that most of the time, no special care is required. Most of the time, all you need to do is stay at home and hydrate yourself while you wait for the illness to pass. Rarely, you may require IV (intravenous) fluid therapy for severe dehydration.

Stomach Flu Prevention Tips

  1. Hydration is Key: Several light liquids, such as water, ice chips, fruit juice, and broth, should be consumed.  An oral rehydration solution is required in this situation.
  2. Things to Avoid: Avoid beverages with alcohol, caffeine, and/or milk in them. Sports drinks should not be consumed if you are very dehydrated because they are heavy in sugar.
  3. Food Easy on Stomach: Start with moderate, easily digestible foods as you start to feel hungry again.
  4. Children should be rehydrated using oral rehydration solutions.
  5. Vaccination For Kids: To prevent kids from rotavirus, vaccines are readily available. Infants receive vaccinations before their first birthday.
  6. Maintain Hygiene: Following bathroom visits, nappy changes and before touching any food, wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and water. Use sanitizers with alcohol as an ingredient.

Following a health and hygienic lifestyle can go a long way to safeguard oneself and kids from contracting any sort of flu.

Eat healthy, stay healthy!

What is Acro Yoga, The Latest Fitness Trend? 4 Reasons Why It is Good For Your Health Wed, 09 Aug 2023 03:15:33 +0000 Yoga is one of the most ancient practises that has been used to connect the body, mind and breath. Tried and tested for generations, this fitness regime never goes out of trend, and never will. From head, neck, torso, arms to legs, there is a yoga pose for every body part and mental health as well. In the myriad of yoga poses, there is a new fitness trend Acro Yoga growing. This is a blend of acrobatics, thai massage and yoga. But, like a blend of names and in exercises, this yoga also requires two people to practise it together.

While this form of yoga involves stretches, and a little bit of gymnastics, sometimes most advanced practitioners also involve a little bit of massage in the movements as well. Acro yoga is also about body weight management and the strength of both partners.

Benefits of Acro Yoga

  1. Improves Concentration: Acro yoga requires full concentration and attention to the pose the partners are trying. Therefore, holding positions for two to three minutes every day helps to improve concentration levels.
  2. Enhances Flexibility: Both yoga and acrobatics involve a lot of body stretches. This helps to enhance body flexibility too as it involves all joints and muscles.
  3. Good For Mental Health: Exercise in any form releases dopamine that further helps mental well-being. A regular dose of acro yoga is not only like a bit of spice in life but also good for composing the mind.
  4. Improves Bodily Strength: Sine, it is a dynamic workout, our body has to go through different poses involving lots of muscle strength.

Tips to Keep in Mind

Acro yoga involves two people and requires a lot of flexibility. Therefore, to be on the safer side, it is essential to keep few tips in mind:

  • Practise with someone whom you can trust completely and are comfortable enough.
  • Start acro yoga under professional supervision.
  • Do not push your body beyond its limits.
  • Start with basic poses and eventually progress towards advance ones.
  • Be careful with your neck stretches.
  • Hold a pose for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

Practising yoga every day can prove extremely beneficial for the body and mind. Adopting to new health and fitness trends can be exciting, but ensure proper safety and know the right way to do it.
