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What Is Situationship And Why Is Gen Z So Obsessed With It?

A situationship might seem in many different ways to various individuals and does not have a clear definition. It is an unrestricted connection or unofficial emotional or physical bond.

Published: August 8, 2023 2:08 PM IST

By Lifestyle Staff | Edited by Tanya Garg

What Is Situationship And Why Is Gen Z So Obsessed With It?

Do you currently have a romantic connection that isn’t quite a dating one? You and your partner like spending time together and could even be intimate, but you haven’t made a commitment to one another or talked about the future. When someone asks you if you’re seeing someone, you never quite know what to answer, and the only acceptable response is it’s complicated. A romantic relationship without definite boundaries or commitment is called a situationship. Relationship expert Dr Chandni Tugnait said, “Embracing a situationship is absolutely valid as long as you’re anchored by a strong sense of self-awareness and clear boundaries. In the unpredictable journey of modern relationships, it’s okay to navigate the grey areas and explore connections without the constraints of traditional labels.”

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Situationship is defined by emotional closeness, and spending time together, and frequently includes a sexual and or physical element. However, partners refuse to categorize, define, or establish clear limits for their relationship. A situational relationship may give rise to apprehension, worry, and bewilderment concerning the future of the union.


A situationship is an uncommitted, sporadic relationship. If that’s what you’re searching for right now, it can allow you to profit from a connection without having to waste a lot of emotional energy. The fact that there is less accountability is a situationship’s main benefit. Relationships have the potential to drain a lot of emotional resources.

  1. You prefer emotional independence
  2. You’re focusing more on self-discovery
  3. You’re looking for shared interests
  4. Emotional maturity is your priority
  5. Limited time commitment works for you


Dr Chandni added, “Remember, your worth isn’t defined by relationship status, but rather by the respect you have for yourself and the limits you set. Being in a situationship allows you to experience the beauty of human connections without the pressure of rigid commitments, however, it’s essential to communicate openly, honestly, and authentically with the one you’re involved with.”

The individual who wants more may start to confuse their feeling of self-worth with winning the other person’s favour, which can have a significant negative influence on their mental health. Remember that even if both parties initially accept the characteristics of the relationship, one partner may later come to expect more from it than the other is prepared to deliver.

If there are no talks about what the partners want or need from the relationship, people may choose to enter one or may find themselves in one.

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