10 Effective Yoga Asanas For Slouching Back

03 Aug, 2023

India.com Lifestyle Staff

Practising yoga everyday can help to fix that slouch and help with posture correction too

Slouching too much can lead to bad posture which lead to health complications.

Sitting for too long or slouching too long may lead back pain and more

Standing forward bend lengthens the spine and builds on the muscles

Gomukhasana helps with sitting slouch correction

Chakrasana is a full body yoga pose that is good for posture correction

Tree pose or Tadasana help to stretch out the spine.

Dhanurasana or bow pose is good for body flexibility and strengthens the back, shoulders

Balasana or child poses aids to stretch and elongate the back.

Downward facing dog help with spine, and relieves of back pain

Bhujangasana helps in blood circulation, strengthens back and promotes heart health.

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